ويدئويي که در آن صحنه اي از يک تجاوز به يک زن٬ صحنه اي از کتک زدن يک مادر و همسر و يا صورت سوخته يک زن در اثر اسيدپاشي را نشان ميدهد ٬ ويدئويي است که در نهايت نشان ميدهد که زمين تکان ميخورد و زنها به پا خاسته و اعتراض ميکنند. اين ويدئو قرار است کمک کند تا يک ايده به مرحله اجرا گذاشته شود٬ همه بپا خيزيم وبا مجموعه اعتراضات٬ اعتصاب٬ تظاهرات٬ راهپيمايي و رقص و فلاش موب با صداي بلند و در همه جاي دنيا اعلام کندي. ديگر بس است! خشونت عليه زنان بايد فورا پايان يابد!
اوا انسلر يک زن نويسنده امريکايي است که بارها در کشور کنگو از بيمارستانها و مراکزي ديدن کرده که مخصوص مداوا و کمک به زناني است که مورد تجاوز و يا خشونت قرار گرفته اند. او در سال ۲۰۱۰ بعد از بازگشت از يکي از اين سفرها نوشت٬ من از جهنم بازگشته ام٬ ولي در آنجا هم زناني را ملاقات کرده ام که بلند شده و با تمام قوا مبارزه ميکنند. در سال ۲۰۱۲ انسلر در "هافينگتون پست" نوشت: براي اداي احترام به زنان قرباني خشونت که مبارزه ميکنند ٬ از همه زنان و مردم دعوت ميکنم که با يک حرکت جهاني بلند شده و اعتراض کنند. چون از هر سه زن در دنيا يک نفر تجربه خشونت و کتک خوردن و تجاوز و اجبار به رابطه جنسي و .. را داشته است اعلام ميکنم که يک ميليارد عليه خشونت بپا خيزيم . اميدوارم که اين متحقق شود. "
يکسال بعد اين حرف و آرزو٬ به يمن مدياي اجتماعي و حرکت سازمانهاي مدافع حقوق زن جامه عمل ميپوشد. قرار است ده روز ديگر ۱۴ فوريه ۲۰۱٣ در بيش از ۱۹۲ کشور جهان برنامه اعتراضي اجرا ميشود . تاريخ روز ۱۴ فوريه رو والنتاين٬ قرار است از ساعت چهار بعد از ظهر٬ ميليونها نفر با اجراي رقص و فلاش موب و مجموعه برنامه هاي متنوع اعلام کنند ديگر بس است!
آمار نشان ميدهد که اين خشونت عليه زنان مخصوص کشورهاي اسلام زده و يا عقب نگه داشته شده و به اصطلاح جهان سوم نيست٬ در همه جا و در همه دنيا اين خشونت وجود دارد در سراسر جهان يک ميليارد زن مورد تعرض و خشونت قرار ميگيرند بدليل جنسيت اشان بدليل زن بودنشان.
هم اکنون در ۱۹۲ کشور دنيا زنان و مردان و همه کسانيکه عليه خشونت بر عليه زنان هستند اعلام کرده اند که در روز ۱۴ فوريه در اين آکسيون جهاني شرکت ميکنند. فلاش موب٬ رقص و برنامه هاي متعدد هنري و يا آکسيون و سخنراني و راهپيمايي و ... تا کنون در اين کشورها اعلام شده است. اين در حقيقت رفتن به استقبال هشت مارس روز جهاني زن است.
در کشور آلمان تا کنون ۱۰۰ برنامه از سوي زنان و سازمانهاي مدافع حقوق زن اعلام شده و تقريبا در مراکز همه شهرهاي آلمان اين برنامه اجرا ميشود.
ويدئوي زيبا در اين لينک در مورد اين روز :
کميته سازمان دهنده هشت مارس نهاد عليه تبعيض ( سازمان دفاع از حقوق زن)از شما دعوت ميکند در هر جايي که هستيد در اين برنامه هاي متنوع شرکت کنيد و در آنجا از مبارزه شجاعانه زنان ايران عليه خشونت سازمان يافته دولتي و قوانين ضد زن اسلامي و عليه حکومت زن ستيز اسلامي و جنبش اسلامي سخن بگوييد.
عليه تبعيض ( سازمان دفاع از حقوق زن)
۴ فوريه ۲۰۱٣
14 February world day against violence against women with other programs and holding the Flash mobe
Video in which the scene of a rape of a زن٬ the scenes of the mug is a mother and wife and burned a woman's face or in effect asdpashi video shows, that finally shows that the Earth shake mikhord and women to the cause and protest. This video is supposed to help an idea to step down is all implemented khizim and اعتراضات٬ set اعتصاب٬ تظاهرات٬ Muhammad and dance and Flash mobe loud at all instead of the world declared slow. Others cease! Violence against women must be improved immediately end!
Eva ansler, a female author institution is again in the Congo from the hospitals and the marakzi view that special treatment and help to rape or zenani, which is violence. He did in 2010 after returning from one of these trips returned from hell I wrote ام٬ but there also I have met that long zenani and struggle with all branches of Government. In the year 2012, ansler in the "hafington post" wrote: for should respect women that struggle, violence, victim of all the women and the people I invited that long with a global movement and protest. Because of the three women in the world of a person experiencing violence and beatings and rape and coercion to sexual relations, etc. I have declared that a billion against violence down at khizim. I hope that this will be realized. "
The next year, this letter and آرزو٬ to the social and political rights organizations move madiai transvestite action miposhd. The ten day 14 Feb ۲۰۱٣ in more than 192 countries of the world are running program tarazi. The date of 14 February والنتاين٬ got going from four after ظهر٬ millions of people with a performance of dance and a variety of programmes and set Flash mobe declare cease fire!
Statistics shows that this violence against women for Islam-stricken countries and kept back and the so-called third world نيست٬ everywhere and in all the world there is the violence around the world, a billion women about aggression and violence because of their gender, either because of a cuddly.
Now the world's 192 countries started against all men and women and violence against women are have announced that on 14 February in the actions of the world participate. موب٬ Flash dance and numerous artistic programs or actions and speech and Muhammad and. .. So far in these countries has been announced. This is in fact going to welcome world women's day on March 8.
In Germany so far 100 program from women and women's rights organizations declared almost in all cities in Germany this program is run.
Beautiful video in this link about this day:
Http:// www.onebillionrising.de/
March Organizer Committee of eight institutions against discrimination (the organization defending the rights of women), you invite every where are you in this program participate in diverse and daring women of Iran against organized State violence and misogynist Islamic regime and against the Islamic movement and raging woman spoken words.
Against discrimination (women's rights organization)
4 Feb ۲۰۱٣
(J) the h. (Translated by Bing)
Video in which the scene of a rape of a زن٬ the scenes of the mug is a mother and wife and burned a woman's face or in effect asdpashi video shows, that finally shows that the Earth shake mikhord and women to the cause and protest. This video is supposed to help an idea to step down is all implemented khizim and اعتراضات٬ set اعتصاب٬ تظاهرات٬ Muhammad and dance and Flash mobe loud at all instead of the world declared slow. Others cease! Violence against women must be improved immediately end!
Eva ansler, a female author institution is again in the Congo from the hospitals and the marakzi view that special treatment and help to rape or zenani, which is violence. He did in 2010 after returning from one of these trips returned from hell I wrote ام٬ but there also I have met that long zenani and struggle with all branches of Government. In the year 2012, ansler in the "hafington post" wrote: for should respect women that struggle, violence, victim of all the women and the people I invited that long with a global movement and protest. Because of the three women in the world of a person experiencing violence and beatings and rape and coercion to sexual relations, etc. I have declared that a billion against violence down at khizim. I hope that this will be realized. "
The next year, this letter and آرزو٬ to the social and political rights organizations move madiai transvestite action miposhd. The ten day 14 Feb ۲۰۱٣ in more than 192 countries of the world are running program tarazi. The date of 14 February والنتاين٬ got going from four after ظهر٬ millions of people with a performance of dance and a variety of programmes and set Flash mobe declare cease fire!
Statistics shows that this violence against women for Islam-stricken countries and kept back and the so-called third world نيست٬ everywhere and in all the world there is the violence around the world, a billion women about aggression and violence because of their gender, either because of a cuddly.
Now the world's 192 countries started against all men and women and violence against women are have announced that on 14 February in the actions of the world participate. موب٬ Flash dance and numerous artistic programs or actions and speech and Muhammad and. .. So far in these countries has been announced. This is in fact going to welcome world women's day on March 8.
In Germany so far 100 program from women and women's rights organizations declared almost in all cities in Germany this program is run.
Beautiful video in this link about this day:
March Organizer Committee of eight institutions against discrimination (the organization defending the rights of women), you invite every where are you in this program participate in diverse and daring women of Iran against organized State violence and misogynist Islamic regime and against the Islamic movement and raging woman spoken words.
Against discrimination (women's rights organization)
4 Feb ۲۰۱٣
(J) the h. (Translated by Bing)
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